- Path:
Triality and automorphisms of principal bundles moduli spaces
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- Title:
- Advances in geometry
- Publication:
Berlin [u.a.]: de Gruyter, 2001 -
- Scope:
- Online-Ressource
- Note:
- Gesehen am 26.06.20
- 1615-7168
- VÖBB-Katalog:
- 15136501
- Keywords:
- Geometrie ; Zeitschrift
- Classification:
- Mathematik
- DDC Group:
- 500 Naturwissenschaften
- Copyright:
- Rights reserved
- Accessibility:
- Eingeschränkter Zugang mit Nutzungsbeschränkungen
- Collection:
- Mathematik
- Title:
- Triality and automorphisms of principal bundles moduli spaces
- Publication:
Berlin [u.a.]: de Gruyter, 2024
- Language:
- English
- Scope:
- Online-Ressource
- Note:
- Kein Open Access
- Archivierung/Langzeitarchivierung gewährleistet
- Keywords:
- Triality ; principal bundle ; moduli space ; automorphism ; stability ; 14D20 ; 14H10 ; 14H60
- Classification:
- Mathematik
- Collection:
- Mathematik
- Copyright:
- Rights reserved
- Accessibility:
- Eingeschränkter Zugang mit Nutzungsbeschränkungen
- Information:
Abstract: Let X be a compact Riemann surface of genus g ≥ 2 and let G be the group Spin (8, ℂ) or PSO (8, ℂ). Let τ be a choice of a non-trivial outer automorphism of G of order 3, called triality. Suppose that X is equipped with a holomorphic order 3 automorphism α. Then α acts on the moduli space M (G) of principal G-bundles over X by taking the pull-back, and τ also acts on M (G), by modifying the action of G on the principal bundles through any automorphism of G of order 3 representing τ. The combination of these two actions gives an automorphism of order 3 of the moduli space M (G). In this work, the notion of α-trialitarian G-bundle is introduced to describe the fixed points of the automorphism of M (G) mentioned above. In particular, an equivalent notion of stability and polystability for such bundles is proved, and an explicit construction of them is provided.