373. Vereinigte Staaten von Nord-Amerika. 715
373, 5 Annual report of the Quartermaster-general to the secretary of war for 1878.
Washington 1878,
6 Annual report of the surgeon-general, U. S. A. (Forts. v. 373,3.) Jahrg. 1871
bis 1889 in 1 Bde; ferner einzelne Jahrg. 1884, 1885 (dopp.), 1889/90,
1890/92, 1894/95, 1895/96, 1896/97, 1897/98, 1898/99, 1899/1900, 1900/01,
1901/02, 1908/04 (8 fach). Washington 1871—1904. „17 Bde.
7 King, J. Report of the Surgeon General of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Harrisburg 1862,
8 Webster, W. The army medical staff. Boston 1865.
9 Dale, W. Report of the Surgeon General of Massachusetts 1865. Boston 1866.
10 Final report of the operations of the bureau of the Provost M. G. of the U. S.
Washington 1866.
11 Sanitary Commission No. 40. A report of the operations of the Sanitary
Commission and upon the sanitary condition of the volunteer army, its
medical staff, hospitals and hospital supplies. Decbr 1861. Washington 1861.
12 U. S. Sanitary commission Bulletin, Vol. 1—3. No. 1—40. New-York 1866.
13 Documents of theU. S. sanitary commission. Vol.1u.2. No.1—95. N.-York1866. 2Bde.
14 Evans, T. La commission sanitaire des Etats-Unis, son organisation et ses r6sul-
tats, avec une notice sur les höpitaux militaires aux Etats-Unis. Paris 1865,
15 Howe, S. A letter on the sanitary condition of the troops in the neighbourhood
of Boston. Washington 1861.
16 Elliot, E. On the military statistics of the United States of America. Berlin 1863. 4.
17 Ages of U. S. Volunteer Soldiery. (U. S. Sanitary Commission.) New-York 1866.
18 Gould, B. A. Investigations in the military and anthropological statistics of
American Soldiers. New-York 1869.
19 Holst, L. Das Kriegs-Museum in Washington. Würzburg 1865.
20 Catalogue of the U. S. army medical museum. Washington 1866—67. 4.
21 Army medical museum at Washington. (250) Photographs of surgical cases
and specimens. Prepared by G. Otis, Washington. Fol. 5 Mappen,
22 Army medical museum. 27 Photograph. aus d. unt. 373,21 gen. Sammlg. Fol.
23 War department, General Surgeons office, army medical museum: 91 Taf. m.
Photogr. mikroskop. Präparate u. Prüf.-Objekte. By J. Woodward. 4. 1 Mappe.
Beigelegt sind 8 Hefte m. wissensch. Abhandlgn. Washington 1871—76,
24 Woodward, J. International exhibition. 10 Abhandlungen u. Beschreibungen.
Philadelphia 1876. 1 Bd,
Dazu 12 Photographien. Fol. 1 Mappe.
25 Report on epidemic cholera and yellow fever in the army of the United States
during the year 1867. Washington 1868. 4.
26 Report on excisions of the head of the femur for gunshot injury. Washington1869., 4.
27 Report of surgical cases treated in the army of the United States from 1865 to
71. Washington 1871. 4.
28 Report on barracks and hospitals with description of the military posts, Washington
1870. 4.
29 Report on epidemic cholera in the army of United States during the year 1866.
Washington 1867. 4.
30 Reports on the extent and nature of the materials available for the preparation
of the medical and surgical history of the rebellion Philadelphia 1865. 4.
81 Report on amputation at the hip joint in military surgery. Washington 1867. 4.
82 Report on the hygiene of the United States army, with descriptions of military
posts. Washington 1875. 4.
838 Report to the Surgeon General on the transport of sick and wounded by pack
animals. Washineton 1877. 4.