Innere Medizin

Full text: Verzeichnis der Büchersammlung der Kaiser Wilhelms-Akademie für das militärärztliche Bildungswesen (Public Domain)

164, 46 Report of the committee of the city counecil of Charleston upon the epidemic 
yellow fever of 1858. Charleston 1859, 
17 Toner, J. The natural history and geographical limits of yellow fever within 
the United States. (S.-A.) 1874. 
18 Smith, H. Report of the yellow fever epidemic of 1878. New-Orleans 1874, 
19 Report of the committee of the vellow fever epidemic of 1873 at Shreveport. 
Shreveport 1874. 
50 Holt, J. Analysis of the record of yellow fever in N.-Orl6ans in1876. N.-Orleans 1877. 
51 Sternberg, G. A study of the natural history of yellow fever. N.-Orleans 1877. 
52 Griscom, J. A history, chronological‘ and circumstantial, of the visitations of 
yellow fever at New-York. (0. J.) 
58 Heinemann, C. Beiträge z. Kenntnis d. gelben Fiebers an d. Ostküste Mexikos. 
(S.-A.) 1879. 
54 Spinzig, C. Yellow fever, nature and epidemic character caused by meteoro- 
logical influences. St. Louis 1880, 
55 Schmidt, H. The pathology and treatment of yellow fever. Chicago 1881. 
56 Carmona y Valle. Lecons sur V’6tiologie et la prophylaxie de la fi&vre jaune. 
Mexico 1885. ; 
57 Pariset et Mazet. Observations sur la fievre jaune, faites & Cadix en 1819. 
Paris 1820. 4. 
58 O’Halloran. Apercu succinct de la fievre jaune, Paris 1824, 
39 Braun, C. Üb. d. gelbe Fieber. Marburg 1827. 
50 Rochoux, J. Sur le typhus amarile ou maladie de Barcelona (fievre jaune). 
Paris 1822. 
61 Planton, A. Observations on the yellow fever. 2. ed. Philadelphia 1822, 
52 Areiula, de. Breve description de la fiebre amarilla padecida en Cadiz 1800. 
Madrid 1806. . 
68 Lallemant, C. D. gelbe Fieber. Breslau 1857. 
54 Bancroft, E. An essay on the disease called yellow fever. London 1811. 
65 Bancroft, E. A sequel to an essay on the yellow fever. London 1817. 
66 Jackson, R.' Remarks on the epidemic yellow fever. London 1821. 
67 Valentin, L. Traite de la fi&vre jaune d’Amerique. Paris 1809. 
68 Pym, W. Observations upon the Bulam fever. London 1815. 
ö9 Thomas, P. Essais sur la fievre jaune d’Ame&rique. New-Orleans 1823, 
70 Chabert, J. Sur la maladie spasmodico-lipyrienne des pavs chauds, vulgarement 
appelege fievre jaune. New-Orleans 1821. 
71 Leblond, J. Observations sur la fievre jaune et sur les maladies tropiques. Paris 1805. 
72 Dalmas, M. Recherches historiques et medicales sur Ia fievre Jaune. Paris 1805. 
73 Sanarelli, G. Etiologia e patogenesi della febbre gialla. Torino 1897. 
74 Sanarelli. G. Le cause della febhre gialla. Roma 1900. 
165. Ruhr (Dysenteri0). 
165. Ruhr (Dysenterie). 
3, auch 19,309 (Birnstiel); 116,7 (Schröter); 159,113 (Heubner); 159,139 (Kartulis): 
69 4 (Baehrens): 278,59 (Jacobi); 361,65, Heft 20: 389,1 (Fabr. Hildanus): 
400.11 (Dillenius): 408.4 (Rahn). 
165. ı Lamoniere, de. Ubservatio fluxusdysenterici Lugduni Gallo., populariter grassantis 
a. 1625. Lugduni 1626, 
2 Degner, J. Historia medica de dysenteria bilioso-contagiosa, quae 1736 Neo- 
magi et in vieinis ei pagis epidemice grassata fuit. Trajecti a. Rh. 1754.

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