‘real’ taxes, it is necessary that a one-sided strain on them
should be avoided. For this reason the Local Taxation-Law pre-
scribes the following general mode for the allotment of the
required amount to the different kinds of rates.
Up to 1009, of the ‘real’ taxes may be levied without
taxing the income at all. If both ‘real’ and income-taxes
be levied, the community shall levy of the ‘real’ taxes
not less than the percentage levied of the local addition to
the government income-tax, and not more than half as much
again. Thus, if a local community levy 1009, of addition
to the government income-tax, it shall be entitled to levy
up to 1509, of the ‘real’ taxes assessed by the State for
the purpose of local taxation. If the ‘real’ taxes exceed
1509, and at the same time an income-tax be imposed to
the amount of 150%, for every percent of ‘real’ taxes be-
yond that, 2 9/, of the government income-tax may be levied.
But the local community shall not have the right of claim-
ing more than 2009, of ‘real’ taxes, and if more than 100%,
of local addition to the government income-tax be wanted,
the government have to be asked for their consent.
This ratio of taxes remains unaltered, if a local com-
munity have introduced special ‘real’ taxes, that is to say,
the sum total of the ‘real’ taxes required must be reduced
to, and expressed by, the percentage of the ‘real’ taxes
assessed by the State; thus, e. g., for the ground-tax it
must be expressed by the percentage of the amount of
assessment of the old ground- and house-taxes, as des-
cribed above in § I. Now, when the Local Taxation-Law came
into force, only a very small number of communities possessed
a special ground- tax (or ground-and house tax), but the rates
on landed property were regularly levied according to the
above-mentioned assessment made by government. As soon
as these taxes had ceased to be government-taxes, the defects
of the system were more plainly and clearly disclosed. As
the ground- and house-taxes with their comparatively low
rates of duty were based, within periods of 15 years, upon
the average proceeds of ten years, this unchangeableness