Registration Process

Part 1
Create a User Account

  1. Click on the link Portal for Archiving Digital Publications.
  2. Click on create user account.
  3. Fill out the form and accept the data protection policy.
    → Your username MUST NOT contain upper-case letters or umlauts (ä, ö, ü): 
    jane_doe, not John_Doe
    → The password must consist of at least 8 and not more than 30 characters.
  4. Click on create user account.
  5. Check your email inbox. You will receive an automatic email with a link to complete the registration process.
    → Please check you spam folder as well.
  6. Follow the link to the submission portal and complete your details.

Part 2
Required Data about the Institution or Person


If you wish to submit a publication in your own name, please enter your personal details. You can find further information in the FAQ under Who is self-publishing?.
As a reference, you can use the example (Erika Musterfrau) below.

Submission for an institution

If you want to submit a publication for an institution, enter the institution's data as shown in the example below (Zentral- und Landesbibliothek Berlin).

The online form only accepts websites in the format


Adding Contact Person(s)

We need at least one contact person for queries about your submissions.
If you yourself are this contact person, you can tick the box directly above the online form. In this case, the contact details you enter are automatically saved under "contact person".

If you are not the correct liason for queries, please enter the details of one or more responsible contacs as shown in the example.

Default Settings

Access Authorisations

This is where you specify how accessible your publication should be for users.

You can choose from three access options:

  1. Resctricted access with usage restriction (legal standard): Your publication is only accessible in the ZLB reading rooms. Usage restrictions apply, i. e. it is ensured that copying, sending and printing of your publication in not possible.
  2. Restricted access: Your publication is only accessible in the ZLB reading rooms without usage restrictions.
  3. Free access: Your publication is accessible wordwide without any usage restrictions.

Rights Status

Indicate the publication’s copyright here. This allows you to specify how the publication can be used.
If you select rights reserved, German copyright law applies. If your publication has been published under a creative commons licence, you can select the appropriate CC-licence among the suggestions.
We have summarised the details on the Access and Rights Status page.

Automatic reminder

If you want to be reminded to submit your publications, you can choose the interval for the automatic reminder. We will send you the reminder via email. You can unsubscribe from this service in your account settings at any time.


You can log in using the access data (user name and password) that you specified during the registration process.


Note to user

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